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Friday, November 16, 2007

you got served

if you tuned in to check out the rrw's dance step, and subsequent ability to bring it to you, you're going to be a little disappointed.
n...n...n...n...now let me preach on it

i now, metaphorically, know what a hemorrhoid feels like. according to the peevishpen.fatass.bitch, an individual may execute a stay away order on another individual, simply for expressing their opinion on a radio talk show. wtf???
yes, bm says that she took out a stay away order on kevin david (a handsome mensa member, that speaks five languages, and heck of a nice guy) a man she has never met. according to the webcast, kd (representing a local hunting group) and bm agreed that: if bm would not harass the local hunters, that they would in turn, at the end of hunting season, buy bm a tombstone. and not just any tombstone. the exact tombstone that recently went missing (and most speculate, has been tossed into smith mountain lake) bm ignored the agreement and commenced the instigation/harassment immediately. then proceeded in obtaining a stay away order against kd, a man she can not even identify. according to kd, he assumed the interview was a joke, but that the agreement was serious. " i don't even know what muchcrapko looks like" , kd thought and then i typed. " i had to go to her blog to see her picture just to know, from whom i'm supposed to keep away." kd thought. " i hope that her girlfriend will let you put a link to muchcrapkos photo, so that you may see for yourself how scary she looks. trust me, you don't have to serve me a stay away order, to keep me away. i am afraid, i am very afraid."

daammmnnn .... kd is hitting below the belt. besides, the rrw was going to ask bm to play short stop for the co-ed softball team.
peace out!


whofarted? said...

Dude that was the funniest shit I've ever read.

whofarted? said...

preach it mr preacher man

the reverend randy watson said...

100% true