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Sunday, November 18, 2007

invitation to the revival

the rrw is feeling a whole lot of love around the upcoming revival. in a recent comment left for the rrw (click here) my brotherman ike proffered, to invite a photographer for my public appearance.
let me preach on it.........
n...n...n...now i would like to leave this decision up to the sexual chocolates and my internet brethern. just leave a comment on this current blog and we will tabulate the results just before my appearance. there are a few things that i must point out about the suggested photographer. so please read on before you vote.....
numero uno. the boy you suggested isn't even a professional photographer. say what?? infact the only reason this anathema snaps photos at all, is so that she can blend them together with half-truths to attempt to give them validity. unfortunately there are a few dumbasses out there that takes everything they read as truth. which brings me to my next point
number two.(as in no. 2 ) she's a piece of shit. strike that. she's the whole turd.
number three. she doesn't really do things very well. her writing....well let's just say she blows chunks. (it's worse than you think, chunks is actually her horse's name...stop and think about that one a second!) her ability to tell the truth. you can actually tell when she's lying! here lips are moving. ....her ability to identify an individual. (who is kd??)... her ability to keep up with her own tombstone. yep, it's gone. as i said, not a very good history of executing tasks.
number four. this is the one on which, i really want ya'll to focus. in a recent blog (captain obvious) the rrw documented ike godsey's near death experience: in my opinion, a horny old hoochie momma, attempted the kidnapping of mr. godsey. and poor ike, unwilling to sacrifice his anal virginity, folded up like a lawn chair. now, after years of therapy. ike has finally managed to leave the confines of his basement. do we really want to see ike blabbering like a school girl again??? i know alot of you were there to help with the electro-shock therapy, that eventually brought him to the realization that he was not a spice girl. so, i ask you all to take that into consideration when you vote.....
peace out!


Anonymous said...

Well it seems to me that if the old hoochie bitch is indeed that bad maybe you ought to invite her to hear the GOOD word and it sounds like she is taking way toooo many pictures now. Especially the one of herself made me sick. We call her BUTCH and him NELLY. Gee wonder why?

Anonymous said...

how about taking that camera and shoving it up her ass and then let her take a picture of that! When i saw her pictures i think i throw up in my mouth!

the reverend randy watson said...

i'll take that as a vote for "no"

Anonymous said...

That fat scankie ass bitch is to big of a cry baby to take pix. maybe her perverted jackass husband (the one who threatened those hunters and petaling his narrow ass up and down the road peeping in on the neighborhood women could) He is suppose to be an electronics guy according to every one except those he worked with at G.E.

the reverend randy watson said...

ouch, that's cold my brotherrr ,, i think we have our second vote "no."
this one scares me a little....although, it is the nicest thing i've heard about the couple.

Anonymous said...

Howdy Reberend Randy, Plea dont allows that fat 4 eied flabb ass bitch take yo picktores for you rebibal she be across da road with one hand one her dic da odher on her camma. i knows ike she dont like him i dont like her he a good man her dippedshit hoban be on dat bickle lookin at da purdy womens on his street he a purv she stewpid
scus me she can suc my dic it almo big as hers.i be at yo rebibal jus let meno when. jimy jame

whofarted? said...

That seriously was the funniest stuff I've ever read!!! I think I just shit myself! This reverendrandywatson is the tits in my book!!!

whofarted? said...

If all the animals along the equator were capable of flattery,then thanksgiving and halloween would fall on the same date.

the reverend randy watson said...

from these comments, i'm starting to get a clear picture of what her neighbors think about her. infact it's not a subtle inference.

Anonymous said...

RRW, please tell that stupid, fat,fulgy bioth & her scanky ass pole cat husband, I said go straight to hell. Thank you & Gold Bess the Hunters.

P.S. looking forward to the revival, getting good vibes on it. We'll be there. Ma and Pa are coming, can they bring Aunt Ethel and Uncle Fred. I promise he'll wear his tooth, maybe even bath. Cuz is coming down Endicott & she sure would like to sit by the road so he can see the 'B' coming.

Once again Rev, thanks for all the good work you've done for us and the goold Lord, God Almighty. Oh, I got some mighty nice used chairs, need'em?

the reverend randy watson said...

straight to hell? do not pass go, do not collect $200?
i'm afraid to ivite her now. sounds like this person wants to be the thoroughbred in the biotch's donkey race. (they want to beat her ass)
i'll count your vote twice just for the ethel and fred reference....

Anonymous said...

Dear Rev,

Just had a quick thought. Since the dumb biocth reports every single violaion known to man, we might not be able to have an open flame to cook our oh so yummie vension (BM: that means deer, duh) due to the current burn ban. If such a ban is still in effect when we have our meeting, we should consider other alternatives.

Anonymous said...

RRW: IF you need some Holy Water, I know where there is a used shitter sitting on the side of the road, close to where we will be meeting soon. What do you think? I'm still feeling good vibes. So are Ethel and Fred.

the reverend randy watson said...

having a revival so close to those pieces of shit, there are two things about which i would worry. a shitter...someone may get confused and flush them. and of course, a shit eating dog.

whofarted? said...

as one of the sexual choclates, I follow my reverend everywhere. I think a revival is just what this community needs to get over such an onslaught of malicous lies dwelved deep from within this old hags mangled hippified brain cells, to come out of her forked tounge,and spew into our innocent ears. Oh by the way my oh so rightous reverend mrs. slutsko has revieved a beautiful e-mail alerting her of all the beautiful writings she is missing out on. Keep preaching preacher man!!!