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Sunday, January 20, 2008

road rage

Road Rage Wife said...
RRW, I have a wife that just can't drive without getting mad or flipping someone off. She just gets so mad if something doesn't go her way. She drives way to close and has almost had several accidents. I am at the point now that we go on seperate vehicles. I can't stand riding with her. I have almost been tempted to not pay her car payment so that they will come and re-po it. I am just afraid that she will start driving my car or ride with me.

dear road hard and put up whipped,
t...t...t...this is yet another question from a man that does not wear the pants around the house.
let me preach on it....

y...y...y...you write that "she gets so mad if something doesn't go her way." this reminds me of jenny's black panther boyfriend in "forrest gump, " and we all recall the way forrest took it to his ass after mr. black panther slapped jenny. unfortunately your wife doesn't have lyndon b. johnson provoking her, or forrest gump to keep her in line.
d...d...d...don't ask her to slow down and quit tailgating, tell her not to. my brother, you said that you are the one making the payments on her vehicle. why in the wide, wide world of sports would you not be the one making the rules for driving the vehicle for which you're paying?? her bad driving has almost caused several accidents and it seems that she may be close to literally having a rear-ender. the crack of her assing getting ran into by the toe of your boot. and make damn sure that they have to call in the "jaws of wife." ha!

b...b...b...but i digress. dr. phil and oprah would tell you to sit down and talk to her. not only would this be cathartic, it may also be informative. they would say that your wife may not know that she is a bad driver. thus, informing her of her bad habits may be helpful and an emotional purgation for you. but the rrw is here to tell you the truth. there is no need to pussy foot around, and i don't mean that your boot slightly missed her big ole ass, i simply mean that somebody needs to tell you the truth. be a man! be the man!! you don't need to be some pansy riding around on his bike because he is scared to ride with his wife. put your foot down, (or up) and tell her what you're going to do. tell her what she is going to do. don't let her take out frivolous warrants on your good neighbors. tell her to take that handicap sticker off her pt cruiser. unless of course, you took my advice and the "jaws of life" wasn't successfull in the extraction of your boot from her ass. i am embarassed for you, but if you take the rrw's advice you'll be the boss in no time.
peace out!

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