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Wednesday, December 5, 2007


i hope that most people understand the rrw's blog. i try to disect a stubborn situation, and then isolate the humor. the easiest place to find humor, is when you deal with someone that thinks very highly of themselves.....
let me preach on it!
n...n...n...now everyone has been around that relative/ acquaintance/ neighbor that thinks their shit actually omits an aroma similar to roses...the funny thing is, they usually spend a portion of their time, telling everyone what great things they've done or what great people they are. then spend most of their time getting ignored by others, who know better. the truth of the matter is, that it doesn't really matter how much lip service you give. the thing that counts most is what you actually do. and people do know the difference. i guess that's why the ones who 'toot their own horn' so much, are actually the lonliest of all. ironically the heroes, who donate the most, are usually the last to talk about themselves. i personally think it's because they have so much to give (not just financially) that it's almost second nature to help out. in other words, it's not really a big deal to them.
last saturday i got the chance to see first hand, a great community project, GUP ballpark. it made me think about my grandpa, my neighbors, and my name. things that are very important to me. these volunteers actually care about the community as much as i do, and they are doing something about it. i would like them to know, that i really appreciate their efforts. i guess we all take for granted the volunteers, the firemen, the emts. most of us pitch in, some through a raffle ticket, some choose to donate money. but the ones who donate their time actually provide the most important service. so, a big thank you is owed.
come to think of it, the giving is one of the things that i love about this small town. it's great to be, where everybody knows you. people stop to ask about your parents, your family. people actually know your history and have a vested interest in your life. they want to see you succeed. that's the way it is for me. up and down the road. even the new neighbors, the ones that move into the neighborhood to imbibe it's purity, quickly become friends. i would have to be a complete ignoramus to not fit in here, or at least go out of my way to be an asshole toward everyone. the worst possible thing would be to talk about how great of a person i am, then do absolutely nothing to benefit human kind. no support for anyone else at all. so why do these people think so highly of themselves??? i guess they have no friends to actually tell them the truth....
fortunately, i get to spend my days running across friends/ neighbors and just talking about the weather. i guess that's what makes me a local. a southerner. what you see is what you get. but do not push me, or any one of my friends. as soft spoken as we are, what you do not see, is that we will resist. i think that makes us libertarians not terrorists.
peace out!


Anonymous said...

I hear ya my brother, I can't stand the "horn tooterz". I haven't personally ever dealt with a situation with what you are preaching on, but I can say I have been around such a species of human.
I know them all.... their shit is always the best, bigger, faster, smarter, or longer. Speaking of longer.... I once knew a horn tooter, and without going into details.. he liked to brag about having something longer... One day this old guy (who I must mention never spoke a word about longer) decieded he was going to shower after work with the "horn tooter"... well to get straight to the point.... old mister ron jeremy couldn't have stood next to this old dude... and the old guy just smiled, and the guy that thought he was the best... well everybody figured him out, and he lost lots of pride. This guy never had lots of friends he just thought he had been blessed with something nobody else had more of. I kinda thought that old man was a hero that day. He let his tool do the talking.... I know this doesn't relate to your story in everyway, but I can say that once someone looses their pride, its over....and there they lay in their little lonely world. The day will come.

preach on....

the reverend randy watson said...

your friend sounds just like one of my brothes. ha! brothers in the church that is....have you met kd?
(who is kd??)...

Anonymous said...

well, I dont have any pictures of ( my hero ) but I could t....t...t...testify and say this young man "kd" didn't have a chance of winning the watermellon.... do you know at the watermellon reverend?????

Anonymous said...

Certain neightbors will get want they deserve in the end. A hot,firey, eternity in hell. What goes around comes around, and we all will get what we deserve in the end. I just sure do feel awfully sorry for some people in particular.

Anonymous said...

Hey RRW,

I recently farting around on the net & came across such a person or neighbor who has an entire link from their web page telling of everything they've done ("public appearances") in the past year or so. Heck, they even had another link to email this crazy kid if you wanted to contact them so they could visit you where ever.

So I was thinking at the next revival, we should shoot'em an email & ask'em to come. Maybe they could shed some 'pissy' advice on us & our church brothers & sisters. Maybe then, just maybe, with the help of God Almighty we could drive the evil spirts out of such people as well.

Reach on RRW!

the reverend randy watson said...

i've got to start a new post on this one...