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Friday, February 1, 2008

to whom it may concern

t...t...t...the rrw believes that you click on this blog for a reason. most blogs are informative, humorous or atleast somewhat entertaining. and i hope that i've have atleast entertained my internet congregation. i find nothing more boring than some self-absorbed asshole going on about the tiniest minutia of their monotonous life. does anyone really care to read their meaningless dribble? if you can't even be creative enough to make your dull life somewhat colorful on a blog, you must really be pathetic. let me preach on it.....

o...o...o...one of my reasons for starting this blog was to deal with an internet bully. they may consider my blog a formal 'fuck you', but i've said in an earlier post that you can not push me because i will resist, and that's what my blog is. in the process of pushing back i've discovered
how a dog will tuck their tale and cower if confronted. isn't it even more interesting how hypocritical these same dogs will get??? freedom of speech applies to all. don't rant and rave about your belief in the first amendment and then try to serve warrants on me, for exercising that very right. suck it up and take it like a man/boy. keep in mind that i'm only returning the favor. i'm just alot better at it than you. and by it i mean blogging/writing/etc... afterall, if you can't run with the big dogs, keep your ass home under the porch.

n...n...n...now for the really good part. after having literarily bitch slapped the internet nuisance, i have developed an internet following. from zero to hero. apparently the sexual chocolates are not the only ones clicking on this blog, and the rrw is here to help all. i will continue to do my best to entertain, inform and make you laugh. peace out!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

hey rebern spoken like a true hero.Dat bitch aint takin her pixs of ebery body no more an we dont even see perv on hes bickle ridin aroun. u have bitch slapped her jus like i wood de ol lady when she trys to get out a place.i loves a good laff i hopes u keeps ritin about sumthang i likes two reed bout dis shit. ol hag aint gots nuthin two say she stewpid.when you gone rite a book i will by a copy. i bet you want have two dress up an look stewpid two try to sale your book.ol hag shood stix two janitorin an leaf da book ritin two da pros if you axs me.rebern yew dun made dem da laffing stoc of da neiborhood.da po bastards ebery body laffs at dem.day shood leaf da neiborhood but day two stewpid.day shood go down der an git in da dumster an stay in it an not just be lookin thru da neibors trash two see what day can find i meen day should jus move in to da dumster dats how stwepid yew done made dem look. well i gots two go.dont axs me no qestions i want tale yew no lys. sea yew later jimy jame

Anonymous said...

Hey Reverend,It's me Jimy Jame,I've got my daughter Jamie wrting this for me because Twonda Up at the Building Suppy House can not understand my writing on the account I didn't go past the third grade. So here is my last comment interpid by my daughter Jamie....
Hey Reverend,spoken like a true hero.That bitch aint taking her pictures of every body any more and we don't even see pervert on his bicycle riding around. You have bitch slapped her just like I would the old lady when she trys to get out of place.(Momma's gonna kill you Daddy)I love a good laugh I hope you keep writing about something I like to read about this s##t. Old Hag aint got nothing to say,she's stupid.When you going to write a book I will buy a copy. I bet you won't have to dress up and look stupid to try to sale your book.Old Hag should stick to being a janitor and leave the book writing to the pros if you ask me.Reverend you done made them the laughing stock of the neighborhood. The poor bastards, every body laughs at them.They should leave the neighborhood but they are to stupid.They should go down there and get in the dumpster and stay in it and not just be looking through the neighbor's trash to see what they can find, I mean they should just move in to the dumpster that's how stupid you done made them look. Well I got to go.Don't ask me no questions I won't tell you no lies.See you later. Jimy Jame

Anonymous said...

Liberace (I hope I spelt that correct), Michael Bolton or George Michael? Which one do you think is the best artist?